
Hannah friendly

Recipes from a lactose-free kitchen

Chocolate making


Time is flying by once again; the clocks have gone forward and my resolution to blog more frequently has (once again) not materialised! That's not to say we've not been eating tasty food, we have, and we've even managed to take some nice photos along the way... I've found a great spot in the corner of our new kitchen for taking photos in the morning, lots of lovely natural light.

Back in March, I went on a little Hannah-friendly adventure. My Christmas present this year was a chocolate making workshop with Bianca Marton at her shop in Brentford. She specialises in dairy-free and vegan truffles and chocolates. She's an inspiring and incredibly generous woman, and her chocolates are divine.

I ended up having a private lesson as it was a quiet evening. I learned about the history of chocolate, how it is made from bean to and tasting it at various stages along the way (note to self: it's not really tasty until it actually becomes chocolate...) We made ganache and flavoured it and I learned how to temper chocolate - something I've been meaning to do for a while. We made truffles and dipped them in chocolate. We also filled chocolate shells with the flavoured ganache before sealing them up, all the while marvelling at how all these tasty treats are dairy free!

This is all the long way round to saying I will be spending more time in the months ahead attempting to make tasty chocolates at home, practising the patience Bianca taught me was required in the process.